
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Episode 45: Fool's Errand Chapters 12-16
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
We're hitting the halfway mark of Fool's Errand and meeting a ton of new characters. Emotions are getting twisted, motivations are unknown, and Fitz and the Fool are heading out on an adventure for the Farseer throne once more. This episode is for the cat-people, coming up!
NEXT EPISODE: Fool's Errand Chapters 17-21
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 45: Fool's Errand Ch 12-16 Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Eli, Joey and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Episode 44: Fool's Errand Chapters 7-11
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
There's trouble in paradise for Fitz and the Fool when Nighteyes has a bad fish. Fitz gets a new job and we see a few more familiar faces. We're back in the walls! This episode is also notable for being the first uncut Spoiler section mostly just to prove that they really should be cut, hahaha. Enjoy!
NEXT EPISODE: Fool's Errand Chapters 12-16
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 44: Fool's Errand Ch 7-11. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Eli, Joey and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Monday Aug 17, 2020
Episode 43: Fool's Errand Chapters 1-6
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
We're back and we're reading The Tawny Man Trilogy starting with Fool's Errand. We're very excited to be hanging out with Fitz and Nighteyes again as they receive several familiar visitors bent on returning them to their former life.
Check out the link to our "Apricot Brandy" playlist HERE
NEXT EPISODE: Fool's Errand Chapters 7-11
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 43: Fool's Errand Ch 1-6. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Eli, Joey and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Monday Aug 03, 2020
Episode 42: It's our One Year Anniversary Bonus Episode!
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
To celebrate our birthday the BKR crew got together to chat and answer a few listener questions. Hopefully this helps you pass the time while you wait for our first Tawny Man episode to drop on August 17th!
NEXT BOOK: Fool's Errand Chapters 1-6 will post on August 17th
Links for this episode:
The Piecast: Piebaldcast (warning! Spoilers for ROTE)
Our Hobb themed Spotify playlists
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 42: It's Our Birthday. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Eli, Elena, Joey and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Episode 41: Ship of Destiny Chapters 35-Epilogue
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
With this extra long episode we finish Ship of Destiny and The Liveship Traders. The wrap up on the adventures of Althea, Wintrow and Malta took us a while and there's still quite a bit we still want to know. Join us for one last sail, hearties!
CWs on this reading section: CW on everything for people speaking fondly of a rapist. Ch 35: for assault related trauma, Ch 36: assault related trauma and depictions of triggered PTSD; Ch 37: More assault PTSD and two scenes involving sexual advances that trigger a POV character; Ch 39: trauma for a POV character; Ch 40: discussion of rape; and discussion of traumatic memories.
NEXT EPISODE: Tawny Man trilogy, Fool's Errand Chapters 1-6 will post on August 17, 2020.
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 41: Ship of Destiny - Chapters 35-Epilogue. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Eli, Elena and Ashley (special guest Joey).
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Monday Jul 13, 2020
Episode 40: Ship of Destiny Chapters 30-34
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
We're almost done with Ship of Destiny. Join us as we discuss a whole lot of action on the high seas! And for the first time, everyone stays for Spoiler Section!
CWs: Ch 30 more gaslighting; Ch 32: painful conversations about a POV character's rape and defense of a rapist; Ch 34: scenes of a slight romantical nature with a minor
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Destiny Ch 35-Epilogue (CW on everything for people speaking fondly of a rapist. Ch 35: for assault related trauma, Ch 36: assault related trauma and depictions of triggered PTSD; Ch 37: More assault PTSD and two scenes involving sexual advances that trigger a POV character; Ch 39: trauma for a POV character; discussion of rape; and discussion of traumatic memories.
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 40: Ship of Destiny - Chapters 30-34. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Eli, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Episode 39: Ship of Destiny Chapters 25-29
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
In this episode we tackle a tough section for all of us. We discuss Hobb's critique of patriarchy via an architecture of tropes. We also revisit some old characters and one of our new readers has an epiphany.
Content Warnings:
Ch 26 for rape of a POV character by a POV character. Summary starts at 15min. Discussion begins at 22min 45sec and ends at 37min.
Ch 29 discussion of rape; confrontation between rapist and victim; denial of victim's claims. Summary begins at 57min; Discussion begins at 1hr 1min and ends at 1hr 14min.
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Destiny Ch 30-34 (CWs: Ch 30 more gaslighting; Ch 32: painful conversations about rape and defense of the rapist; Ch 34: scenes of a romantical nature with a minor)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 39: Ship of Destiny - Chapters 25-29. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Eli, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Monday Jun 29, 2020
Episode 38: Ship of Destiny Chapters 20-24
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Topics get heavy in this episode but we do our best to keep some parts light. Mixed in with our discussion of our growing discomfort with Kennit, and our worries for Malta and Reyn is a plan for a theme park once we can all go outside again and dragons might be on the path towards redemption for some of our serpent haters.
CWs on Ch 22: Mention of rape of a child and threat of rape to a POV character; Ch 23: Assault trauma; Threat of rape to a POV character.
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Destiny Ch 25-29 (CWs: Ch 26 for Rape of a POV character by a POV character; Ch 28: Threat of rape/sexual coercion; Ch 29: contemplation of rape by a POV character; confrontation of a rapist by his victim; denial of a rape victims claims by a group/doubt of the victims sanity; a lot of angry confrontations and discussions of the rape)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 38: Ship of Destiny - Chapters 20-24. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Eli and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Episode 37: Ship of Destiny Chapters 15-19
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
The BKR crew tries to figure out how, exactly, dragons spin their eyes and come up with a hit for Maulkin and the Tangles while discussing what's going on with Selden. Bolt is up to no good and Bingtown is under attack!
No CWs in this section.
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Destiny Ch 20-24 (CWs: Chapter 22 for mention of rape of a child and threat of rape to a POV character; Chapter 23 for assault trauma, threat of rape to a POV character)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 37: Ship of Destiny - Chapters 15-19. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Elena, Eli and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine