
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Episode 18: The Liveship Traders intro
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
In this introductory episode for The Liveship Traders trilogy we introduce all of our readers (Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Eli, Ashley and Elena) and chat quickly about what we're thinking and feeling going into a totally new area of the map.
To celebrate starting a new trilogy, new host Alyssa has created a Liveship-themed Spotify playlist.
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Magic Prologue - Chapter 5 will post on Feb 7th, 2020. CW for brief mention of assault in this section. Chapter 2. (Please note: we have decided that we will be issuing Content Warnings (CW) for any reading sections that contain scenes of sexual violence. We will include CWs in the episode descriptions, in every "next section" assignment and applicable episode intros.)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 18: The Liveship Traders intro. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Eli, Ashley and Elena.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Dec 20, 2019
Episode 17: Assassin's Quest Chapters 36-41
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
We have come to the end of Assassin's Quest and the Farseer Trilogy! Take a listen for discussion on the final chapters of a beautiful book. We're talking themes, characters, unresolved plot and more! Will Fitz and Verity save the Six Duchies? Will Regal get his due? Will Nettle have a normal life?
NEXT EPISODE: We're taking a break into the new year. We'll be back on Feb 7th with Liveship Traders
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 17: Assassin's Quest Chapters 36-41. Featuring Rachel, Eli, Jenny, Joey and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Dec 13, 2019
Episode 16: Assassin's Quest Chapters 31-35
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
We are nearly done with Assassin's Quest and things are getting weird. The end of the Skill Road is upon us. The beginning of some Farseer DRAMA is at hand. Join us as we discuss Elderlings, the Skill, what the heck IS a dragon and more!
NEXT EPISODE: Assassin's Quest Chapters 36-41 (End)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 16: Assassin's Quest Chapters 31-35. Featuring Rachel, Eli, Jenny, Joey and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Dec 06, 2019
Episode 15: Assassin's Quest Chapters 26-30
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
More assassinations are afoot and we get introduced to a bunch of new high fantasy magics in this section (is the Rooster Crown it's own thing yet?). Intrapersonal group dynamics are taking a hit as our characters continue to traverse the skill road and the conflict between Starling and the Fool concludes with Fitz confusing plumbing and love again. We also get more backstory from Starling that comes with a content warning but it's not all serious, we cover plenty of lighter topics including the origin of the hashtag #LetsGetWet
NEXT EPISODE: Assassin's Quest Chapters 31-35
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 15: Assassin's Quest Chapters 26-30. Featuring Rachel, Eli, Jenny and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Nov 29, 2019
Episode 14: Assassin's Quest Chapters 21-25
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
One this episode we're walking the skill road and getting into all these relationship dynamics. We've got our eye on the characters we think will be making moves, throwing down knowledge and there might just be some prophecy involved.
NEXT EPISODE: Assassin's Quest Chapters 26-30
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 14: Assassin's Quest Chapters 21-25. Featuring Rachel, Eli, Jenny, Joey and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Nov 22, 2019
Episode 13: Assassin's Quest Chapters 16-20
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Bundle up because Fitz has reached the Mountains in this section. It's cold. There's a river fight. There's a town-wide fire. Nighteyes is the absolute MVP in this section that has it all: Escape, rescues, betrayal, more rescues and The Fool is back. Unleash the Feels!
NEXT EPISODE: Assassin's Quest Chapters 21-25
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 13: Assassin's Quest Chapters 16-20. Featuring Rachel, Eli, Joey and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Episode 12: Assassin's Quest Chapters 11-15
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
*snip snip like a coney* the MVP of this episode is obviously Small Ferret but we also talk about the epic western qualities of this section while Fitz builds new relationships and drifting further from old ones. Also, the return of Nighteyes! What's not to love?
NEXT EPISODE: Assassin's Quest Chapters 16-20
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 12: Assassin's Quest Chapters 11-15. Featuring Rachel, Jenny, Eli and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Nov 08, 2019
Episode 11: Assassin's Quest Chapters 6-10
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
We have a lot to talk about in this episode. From Fitz's inability to bathe, to Old Blood revelations, Nighteyes going on walkabout and that totally professional, top notch, perfectly executed assassination attempt. Yep.
NEXT EPISODE: Assassin's Quest Chapters 11-15
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 11: Assassin's Quest Chapters 6-10. Featuring Rachel, Jenny, Eli, Joey and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Nov 01, 2019
Episode 10: Assassin's Quest Chapters Prologue-5
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Whoa! We've started Assassin's Quest, the last book in the Farseer Trilogy. Fitz is on a vengeance kick, Nighteyes is full of good advice and Burrich is finally getting a life. We also meet a few new characters and spend some time thinking about what Fitz's livejournal would be like.
NEXT EPISODE: Assassin's Quest Chapters 6-10
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 10: Assassin's Quest Chapters Prologue-5. Featuring Rachel, Jenny, Eli, Joey and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine