
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Episode 36: Ship of Destiny Chapters 10-14
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
In this episode of Buckkeep Radio the crew forms a band called Maulkin and the Tangles! The Bingtown Traders are planning something, Tintaglia has a job for humanity, Brashen and Althea give us the romance novel we've been craving, Bolt orders people around and Paragon reveals all?
CWs on Ch 13 for harassment and groping and threats of rape; and Ch 14 for allusion to child abuse.
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Destiny Ch 15-19 (No CWs for this reading section)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 36: Ship of Destiny - Chapters 10-14. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Jenny, Elena, Eli and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Episode 35: Ship of Destiny Ch 5 - 9
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
In this episode of Buckkeep Radio we cover Serilla's increasingly bizarre machinations, Grag tries again, Tintaglia goes on a memory tour, Kekki isn't doing so great, a serpent sings and avast! A Pirate Battle!
CW reminder: Ch 5 for discussion of details surrounding Althea’s attempted rape; Ch 6 for rape trauma re Serilla; Ch 8: Malta is threatened with rape and Ch 9 there is discussion of the rape of slaves.
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Destiny Ch 10-14 (CWs: Ch 13 harassment/groping/threats of rape)
Important Links for BLM support:
Black Lives Matter Resource List
Donate to Bail Funds
George Floyd's family Gofundme
Breonna Taylor's family Gofundme
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 35: Ship of Destiny - Ch 5-9. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Monday May 25, 2020
Episode 34: Ship of Destiny Prologue - Ch 4
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
We've started the last book of the Liveship Traders Trilogy. Ship of Destiny ahoy! She Who Remembers is remembering, TINTAGLIA is flying, Vivacia isn't who she thinks she is. The stage is set!
No CWs for this reading section.
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Destiny Ch 5-9 (CWs: Ch 5 for discussion of details surrounding Althea’s attempted rape; Ch 6 for rape trauma re Serilla; Ch 8: Malta is threatened with rape)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 34: Ship of Destiny - Prologue - Ch 4. Featuring Rachel, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday May 15, 2020
Episode 33: Mad Ship Chapters 36- Epilogue
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
We have finished Mad Ship! This episode covers the last few chapters and the epilogue. Please, all rise for, TINTAGLIA. Selden has entered the chat. Amber and Paragon have a very interesting conversation. Satrap Costco can't open a door. It's Tangle Time!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Starting with our Ship of Destiny episodes we will be moving our posting date to Mondays. We're not taking a break, our next episode will post May 25th.
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Destiny Chapters Prologue - Chapter 4
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 33: Mad Ship - Chapter 36-40. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday May 08, 2020
Episode 32: Mad Ship Chapters 31-35
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
We're going to a ball! And Trehaug! And Others Island! It's a party and not quite all is revealed in the penultimate section of our read through of Mad Ship.
CW for Chapter 31 for rape related trauma. Chapter starts at 2:15; summary ends at 6:35. Chapter discussion ends at 18:00
CW for Chapter 33 for attempted rape of a POV character. Chapter summary starts at 33:40; summary ends at 43:00. Chapter discussion ends at 56:55
Random links:
Yes, Rachel made a playlist for her Bingtown Convergence joke. You can find it in our extras.
Here's the book we talked about in the middle.
NEXT EPISODE: Mad Ship Chapters 36-40 (last section of Mad Ship)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 32: Mad Ship - Chapter 31-35. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday May 01, 2020
Episode 31: Mad Ship Chapters 26-30
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
This latest section of Mad Ship delves into mysterious histories including Paragon's construction, the shadow economy of the Rain Wilds, and Amber's past. Kennit gets very mad about being very muddy, Serilla has shoes full of earrings and Reyn is starting to grow on us.
CW on Chapter 29 for Rape Trauma. Chapter 29 summary begins at 51 minutes; ends at 57.30. Chapter discussion ends at 66 minutes.Additional CW for discussion of rape as a literary device in the spoiler section at 1 hour 50 minutes until end.
NEXT EPISODE: Mad Ship Chapters 31-35 (CWs on Chapter 31 for discussion of rape-related trauma and Chapter 33 for attempted rape of a POV character)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 31: Mad Ship - Chapter 26-30. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Episode 30: Mad Ship Chapters 21-25
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Hope you're not a landlubber because we're at sea! The Paragon is at sea, the Vivacia is at sea, the Ringsgold is at sea and the sea is full of serpents!
Check out Is Fitz Happy - a new Realm of the Elderlings podcast!
CW on Chapter 23 for rape of a POV character. Chapter summary begins at 39.25, chapter summary ends at 44.40 and chapter discussion ends at 48.10.
NEXT EPISODE: Mad Ship Chapters 26-30 (CW on Chapter 29 for discussion of rape-related trauma)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 30: Mad Ship - Chapter 21-25. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Episode 29: Mad Ship Chapters 16-20
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
In this week's episode Kennit goes on a revealing field trip, Althea takes the reins, Paragon gets a mission and Malta makes a big decision.
NEXT EPISODE: Mad Ship Chapters 21-25 (CW on Chapter 23 for rape of a POV character)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 29: Mad Ship - Chapter 16-20. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Episode 28: Mad Ship Chapters 11-15
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
The plot is starting to move like a ship under full sail. Coffee dates, tangle developments (do sea serpents have jobs?), missing paintings and Satrap Costco really needs to drown or something... plus Malta is the MOST embarrassing.
Please note we have a CW on Chapter 14 for discussion of rape. If you want to skip, Chapter 14 begins at 45.10, chapter summary ends at 51.30 and chapter discussion ends at 57.50
NEXT EPISODE: Mad Ship Chapters 16-20 (no CW for this section)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 28: Mad Ship - Chapter 11-15. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine