
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Episode 27: Mad Ship Chapters 6-10
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
The world is still in quarantine and we are still reading Realm of the Elderlings. Thank you Robin Hobb for giving us such a wonderful world and characters to escape to. This episode covers the introduction of some new characters, Malta and Reyn's first date, Amber and Paragon dishing, and the return of Kennit!
NEXT EPISODE: Mad Ship Chapters 11-15 (CW for discussion/threat of rape in Chapter 14)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 27: Mad Ship - Chapter 6-10. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Episode 26: Mad Ship Chapters Prologue - Ch 5
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Here's an extra long episode for you just in time for extended quarantine. We're still arguing about serpents, and cannibal boats and whether or not Reyn Khuprus is a creep or not. Now featuring all the rambling stuff we usually cut out (want to learn about piracy?). Because we're on lock down and listening to other human voices makes us feel alive.
NEXT EPISODE: Mad Ship Chapters 6-10 (No CWs for this section)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 26: Mad Ship - Prologue - Ch 5. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Episode 25: Ship of Magic Chapters 31-36
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
In this episode we finish Ship of Magic while asking ONLY the most pressing questions. (Ok no, we're all in lock down because of the current situation in the world and we're a bit stir crazy and starved for socialization). Of Pirates and precious commodities.
NEXT EPISODE: Mad Ship Chapters 1-5 (CW for Chapter 2 for child molestation) Please note: We're not taking any breaks this time. We'll post next week, get reading!
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 25: Ship of Magic - Chapter 31-36. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Episode 24: Ship of Magic Chapters 26-30
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
It's the penultimate episode for Ship of Magic and there's a lot to cover. Paragon is making friends, the Khuprus have arrived, Wintrow's got a new tattoo, Vivacia is feeling weird, Althea and Brashen are still floundering while Kennit's star is on the rise (even if that leg's not uh... great). Send us your Questions/Comments at buckkeepradio at gmail dot com.
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Magic Chapters 31-36 (Last section for Ship of Magic) (No CWs for this reading section)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 24: Ship of Magic - Chapter 26-30. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Mar 06, 2020
Episode 23: Ship of Magic Chapters 21-25
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
In today's episode of Buckkeep Radio Althea and Brashen are definitely not dating but Malta is! Wintrow is playing tourist and so is.. Kennit's leg? The Serpent's are hungry, that veiled man has a very nice scarf and... wait a second is Paragon hot?
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Magic Chapters 26-30 (No CWs for this reading section)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 23: Ship of Magic - Chapter 21-25. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Feb 28, 2020
Episode 22: Ship of Magic Chapters 16-20
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
This one has 2 knife fights, a young girl's first ball, another stone dragon?, and the consumption of 1 slightly worse for wear human finger. We're discussing not so great adventures on the high seas in this episode. Remember: If this boat's a rockin', don't come a knockin'.
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Magic Chapters 21-25 (No CWs for this reading section)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 22: Ship of Magic - Chapter 16-20. Featuring Rachel, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley. (Special Guest Joey)
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Feb 21, 2020
Episode 21: Ship of Magic Chapters 11-15
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
In this week's episode Althea has a plan, Ronica is losing control over the situation, Malta is a brat, Wintrow is feeling flirty with a boat? and Paragon gives Brashen terrible advice. Join us for our discussion of Ship of Magic.
Link to Robin Hobb's interview in January Magazine (thanks for the link, Matthew!)
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Magic Chapters 16-20 (CWs for Ch 17 [implied sexual violence involving a non POV character] and Ch 20 [underaged and very questionably consensual sex from a POV character])
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 21: Ship of Magic - Chapter 11-15. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Feb 14, 2020
Episode 20: Ship of Magic Chapters 6-10
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
All aboard our new ship. She's called #DownWithKyle. No apologies to Kyles. We're real mad at him right now. This episode continues the squabbles of clan Vestrit/Haven, the introduction of *~Amber~* and some Paragon theories.
#DownWithKyle by Jenny Slife
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Magic Chapters 11-15 (no CW for this section)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 20: Ship of Magic - Chapter 6-10. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine

Friday Feb 07, 2020
Episode 19: Ship of Magic Prologue - Chapter 5
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Hope you like boat puns because we're starting Ship of Magic! We've already got our favorites (and our not so favorites) and we're ready to figure out how the boats work! What's a tangle? What, exactly, is a Rain Wild, and who are the Others? Wait... is it this guy?
CW during discussion of Chapter 2 for mention of the sexual assault of a child.
Here's a link to Alyssa's Liveship music playlist
NEXT EPISODE: Ship of Magic Chapters 6-10 (no CW for this section)
Buckkeep Radio - Episode 19: Ship of Magic - Prologue - Ch 5. Featuring Rachel, Alyssa, Eli, Jenny, Elena and Ashley.
The Realm of the Elderlings novels are written by Robin Hobb.
Our theme is The Streets of Sant-Ivo by Mid-Air Machine